
What is it and who are we?


What is viadenuncia?

Viadenuncia is a reporting channel according to Directive 2019/1937

All public administrations, companies with more than 50 employees and companies or professionals with less than 50 employees that engage in activities with the public administration or are subject to any of the areas of application of Directive 2019/1937, are obliged to have a channel where citizens, consumers, suppliers and employees can file complaints according to  the 26 grounds established in the Directive. Resolution must be processed within a maximum of 90 days, and must be signed by a third party who has no stake in the concerned organization. Anonymous reporting must be possible.

The aim of the Directive is to fight corruption and legal irregularities that cost Europe approximately 800 to 1,200 billion Euros every year. It also aims to cover the issues of mobbing, bullying, harassment, malpractice, equal pay for women and men, animal protection, security and cybersecurity among others.

 This channel is a means of preventing and resolving disputes and avoiding litigation. As such, it serves to obtain information on compliance breaches through a simple and confidential system. This is done through direct and private management by specialised and independent lawyers who guarantee compliance with the Directive.

 Viadenuncia offers collecting, analysis, management and processing of complaints services.

By using a technical infrastructure, encrypted communications and own developments regularly audited, greater control and data protection is guaranteed to prevent access to third parties.

Thanks to a recognized team of lawyers specialized in EU law and legal compliance, including some of the promoters of the whistleblower directive, absolute transparency and impartiality is guaranteed.

We encourage you to contact us to study your case and offer you the solution you need.


Who are we?

Viadenuncia is possible thanks to the joint work of the different Companies and Associations that are part of it


Initially created in 2016 as an Internet service provider, viadenuncia has evolved into an integral ICT service provider. In Viadenuncia it assumes the role of technological partner, providing all the (own) infrastructure, from telecommunications solutions, through the provision, management and administration of the server infrastructure to the development of the program that allows the management of complaints and communications of Viadenuncia, following the indications of the Directive and legal experts during its interpretation.



It is a legal services company exclusively dedicated to criminal compliance and the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Since 2015, it has been managing compliance complaint channels, which are mandatory in criminal risk prevention models. Thanks to the background as ex-Magistrates of its partners, Haidé Costa and Fruitós Richarte, Viadenuncia and Judilex count on the experience of having practiced for ten years in the judiciary for the processing of the files.

Estudis Jurídics

Legal Partner

Estudis Jurídics is one of the oldest firms in Data Protection and Technological Security. Its first specific audit dates back to 1985. It has always been dedicated to the so-called Third Generation Human Rights, with special emphasis on the privacy and security of individuals, especially legal security. To this end, it has maintained a special relationship with Europe, participating both in the training of specialists and intervening in the European Parliament in defence of citizenship.



Aspertic, the Mediterranean Association of ICT Experts, was created at the end of 2016 and is placed at the crossroads between technology, law and security, all within the European Union, which encompasses us all. It is made up of more than two hundred specialists in the most diverse disciplines, all of them recognised for their high technical and deontological level. It is recognised for its fight against corruption.


These are the people who
make up our team


Fruitós Richarte

former judge

Former judge and lawyer, expert in regulatory compliance and lecturer at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the UAB Master’s Degree in Law, founding partner of Judilex.
judilex_haide costa

Haidé Costa

former judge

Former judge and lawyer, expert in regulatory compliance, mediator and lecturer at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and founding partner of Judilex

Josep Jover


Lawyer and auditor registered in the Auletec Register of the ICAB. Since 2007 he has been registered as a lawyer with the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Laura Mora

ICT systems

CEO and CTO of Capa8. She performs tasks of IT expert, system administration (GNU/Linux and opensource), network administration and software development.
encarna linares

Encarna Linares


Specialist lawyer in civil and commercial law. She is dedicated to the design and implementation of criminal risk prevention models and criminal compliance.

There are more of us!

Other members

We have our own multidisciplinary team that allows us to cover the areas to develop this project, we have lawyers, auditors and linguists.



Sintoniza Europa

We are promoters and producers of the YouTube channel “Tune in to Europe”.
Unfortunately, most of our politicians and old power structures do not want the European Union to be seriously talked about, nor do they want people to know how it works.
In this way, they avoid having to comply with the democratic control obligations that the Union places on its citizens and businesses in the form of regulations and directives.
And they are so called because the States refused to call them LAWS; although their value is superior to that of a current Organic Law and the rulings of its Court based in Luxembourg have a quasi-constitutional character.
We stand at the crossroads between law, technology, security and society.
We are critical and at the same time realistic activists of the world we live in.
We are committed to Europe, but we know that the “chip” that has moved it and is moving it is basically economic. It has only been four days, as some say, since 2009 that the “Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Citizens of the Union” came into force.
Even so, the frameworks of rights and freedoms are already significant, to the despair of those who have been in power “forever” in states still in transition to a mature democracy, such as Spain.

Youtube channel

Experts in Regulatory Compliance and Specialised Trainingadace

We are the only ones to provide an AI configured by our professionals for the internal information channel.

Training courses on Law 2/2022 and its information systems it establishes